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Event Venue | Concerts | Weddings | Corporate Events | & More!

Easy Events & Rentals

Our goal is to simplify your event production process and needs. You can book one of our listed venues and produce your own event or higher one of our event planners to help you find all your needed rentals and services! Either way, we are here to make the process hassle free and convenient.

Easy Rentals

We pride ourselves on being the best at customer service and making your experience smooth operating!

Beautiful Properties

Our properties are one of a kind and set the right vibes to make memorable experiences with friends, family, and colleagues!

Full Service Production

Whether you are producing a concert or having a wedding ceremony, we have a professional team that can help you with your event!

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Event Planning Checklist
Event Planning Checklist
Successful events take a lot to produce. It is important you have a timeline and checklist to stay on track or you might find yourself ...
Jul 26, 2022 , 0
Fireworks & Concert
Fireworks & Concert
Check out this video from a Queen Tribute Concert and Fireworks Show hosted at our Dos Lagos Amphitheater Venue! You can book our venue for ...
Jul 26, 2022 , 0
The Shops at Dos Lagos continues to invest in greater Entertainment! We are excited to announce production improvements at our Amphitheater. We have also created ...
Jul 21, 2022 , 0